Thursday, June 11, 2015

A child’s cross to be given to Princes Charlotte of Cambridge by a Canadian Knight

Hello John,

Thank you for this information and for your inquiry. The KStG refers to a Knighthood given to me a few years back by the International Knightly Order of St. George. I don't often use it but every now and then I tack it on to my rather long name...  You can find lots on information at the website.

The Order uses the tern "Chevalier" rather than Knight, Sir, etc. It was a great honour for my Partner and I to receive this recognition following decades of volunteer work in several areas in our Community. We are also founders of the McMullen/Dark Collection of Royal Commemoratives. An Investiture is held every fall here in Toronto and it is a wonderful day of renewal of friendships, a beautiful Service of course and a Banquet in the evening.

You may be interested in knowing that the little ceramic Cross I purchased is destined for Princess Charlotte of Cambridge in honour of her Baptism. I was having problems finding something suitable and came across your site and this item.

Many thanks for your kind co-operation. Please feel free to ask more about the Order.

Best regards, Norman

(Princess Charlotte of Cambridge is the younger child and only daughter of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. She is fourth in line to succeed her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, after her paternal grandfather Charles, Prince of Wales, father, and elder brother Prince George of Cambridge.)

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