Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thinking "about" and thinking "on"

Thinking "about" things in life does not take much time. I've been thinking "about," and acting upon, replacing a printer, hiring a staff member (welcome Jon!), and fixing the leaking toilet.

Thinking "on" things of life takes more time. Not during the Christmas busy-ness at the store is there time. Not after Christmas with its own busy-ness has there been time.

Anticipating the chance for a snow event that would put normal life on hold causes me to realize "I must replace some of the busy-ness with thinking time." Reading time helps me find thinking time.

I can't wait until Lent to create time for reading. I need to get back to reading now, in Epiphany. A major snow event would have encouraged the reading-thinking time, but I can order my own life without the intervention of a snow event, when I become aware of it.

I have become aware of it.
It's time to act, by reading and thinking.
Maybe you will want to join me, on your own, where you are.

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